with Marina Karpova – 6th – 12th October

This autumn, a Field Recording Collaboratory at MASSIA invites you to spend time with sound and place, to take part in sound walks and environmental listening, and to craft sound tools and tracks.

The lab is open to all, including those without experience of sound work. If you are interested in sound, listening, sound walks, and/or sound production, you’re welcome! Participants are not required to bring technical equipment apart from a computer; however, if you have such equipment, please bring it along. If you have more equipment than you need for yourself, please bring it to share with others.

Day 1 – Arrival, getting to know each other and our relationships to and experiences of field recording, doing sound walks, and listening to the pond
Day 2 – Making contact microphones** and working with them
Day 3 – Field recording
Day 4 – Sound production and editing
Day 5 – Listening Party
Day 6 – Departure

The Collaboratory is led by Marina Karpova, a Russian sound artist and activist, non-binary person and anarcho-feminist. Marina’s work includes field recordings, composing music, playing cello and piano, sound walks, teaching music theory and composition,and leading sound and listening labs. Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, Marina has been active in anti-war struggles: actions, protests, and help for Ukrainian refugees.
Marina likes working collaboratively and regularly works with other artists.

For registration, please send an email to
For questions about the workshop, you can get in touch with Marina via

*The tradition of sound walks originates in the experimental music of the 20th century and its new attitude towards silence, noise and the process of listening. Discussions around these concepts contributed to the birth of a new field of research – sound studies – which involves the study of sound and its perception across various political systems, environmental and genealogical contexts, as well as in relation to gender and class inequalities, meditation practices and more.

**A contact microphone is a microphone that records the sound of surfaces, liquids, and solids. It picks up sound vibrations through their contact with bodies.

To make a contact microphone you need:
1) 2 piezo elements
2) a three-core microphone cable (of the length required)
3) A connector for your recorder
4) a soldering iron
5) Solder
6) Soldering acid
7) Rosin flux

Equipment we have here for sharing:
– 1 sound recorder
– 2 hydrophones
– Multidirectional condenser microphones (supercardioid, omnidirectional)
– 3 pairs of headphones
– Plant-listening sensors

If you have anything from the list, please bring it with you. Otherwise we will provide tools and materials as needed. We ask for a contribution toward the cost (e.g. the materials needed to build a contact microphone cost max. 5-10 EUR).


Maximum 15 participants.

13€/day for accommodation (14€/day if staying less than 5 nights)
7€/day for food (collective cooking)
12€ membership (valid for 12 months)

Participation is free – donations are welcome. We recommend 50-100 EUR, all of which will go to the collaboratory facilitator. A contribution toward material expenses might be anywhere between 0-15 EUR depending on the things folks want to build and materials each can bring along.

We would like to make this event accessible to those who cannot afford to cover the costs listed above. This can be made possible if those who can pay more do so. If possible, we ask you to pay anywhere from 133-266€ to help someone else attend. Even by paying 10€ more you can help someone else to attend.

If you would like to come but don’t have the financial means to do so, please let us know and we will try to make it possible for you.

This event, and MASSIA as an event space, are based on self-organisation, participation and shared responsibility. Please read more on this here:

At MASSIA we collectively negotiate needs around access and safety.
If you have accessibility questions about the house or this event please contact us.

Unfortunately the building is not barrier-free and doesn’t meet accessibility standards. There are no ramps and no elevator. To enter the building you have to climb 6 steps. Passing through doorways in the space requires navigating 3cm-high elevations which form part of the door frames. On the ground floor there are bedrooms, studios, a theater hall, toilets and a shower. The functional rooms are too small for wheelchairs. The kitchens are located on the upper floor. To get to the 1st floor you have to climb two flights of stairs.