Massiaru is a little village of about thirty inhabitants.
The neighbor has a small grocery store 100 meters down the road that has most basics on offer; as for fresh vegetables and fruit, there is only a small offering. Credit card payment is not accepted, which is why it is best to bring a little extra cash with you when you arrive to Massiaru. Alternatively, you can transfer money to the shop owner ahead of your shopping; receiver: OU HALCO / IBAN: EE574204278602997103 (Coop Pank AS) / Reference: toidukaup.
Massiaru also has a library with Estonian books, which is open two afternoons per week. The library is 50 meters down the road.
Sirje Ruusma is a kind neighbor, who lives next door and knows everything about the house. She has been taking care of the heating for years and regularly passes by. If there is a serious problem or an emergency, you can call her by dialing +372 523 4381. Bear in mind that she only speaks Estonian and some Russian.
In Häädemeeste, a slightly bigger village fifteen kilometers from Massiaru, there is a coop supermarket with a wide range of products. There is also an ATM for getting cash money. You can get there by using MASSIA’s car (in exchange for a fee) or one of MASSIA’s bicycles.
Massiaru is situated in an area with many forests, which are great for harvesting wild herbs and flowers, wild garlic, and mushrooms, or tapping trees. Only five kilomters away starts Nigula, one of Estonia’s oldest bog reserves with importance to wild life, especially birds.
Twelve kilometers westwards, in Kabli, you will find the long sandy beaches of the Baltic Sea, which reach further down south to the Latvian border.