Putting the garden to sleep

30 October – 10 November 2019

For this period Massia offers free stay – and hopefully much food from the garden and surroundings (depending on what we manage to preserve from the summer and fall harvests). In return your arm and leg power are wanted to help preparing the garden for winter. But first we celebrate. Cause it’s Day of the Dead/Todos Santos/Hallowe’en/Samhain or whatever name peoples have given to the beginning of winter. Personally, I don’t relate to most official holidays and if you feel the same we can invent our own winter celebrations. Then tune into whatever the garden needs to thrive again in spring (from a gardeners perspective of course – it’ll thrive anyways and/but less garden-like). We can feed the field and beds with the lush blackening compost we’ve been nurturing, mulch and protect the plants from the coming cold and rake the zillions of autumn leaves that will cover the garden. Maybe we can even be asked to turn it into more compost and to build more healthy soil.

It’ll also be the time to harvest roots (dandelion, burdock, yellow dock, chicory…) and make liver and gut healing medicine. And there will be tons of acorns if we feel like processing them.