TANTSUMASSIIV is a meeting place/ platform/ opportunity to share ideas and thoughts there and then.

The main programme will be guided by Krõõt Juurak, Alex Bailey and Michelangelo Miccolis

Krõõt Juurak has invited Michelangelo Miccolis and Alex Bailey to do workshops «Autodomestication» & «Who Cares: Notes on how to address an audience».

Working with immaterial labor requires mobility, a certain type of vagabond that is willing and able to constantly shift contexts, works, environments simply to maintain a practice. To work with immaterial practices, through or with an institution, for or with an audience, means more often than not, being misunderstood. Krõõt Juurak has invited Michelangelo Miccolis and Alex Bailey to reflect on and share their practices as artists, curators and audience members.

You are in the audience and you are laughing but you don’t know if you are laughing because what is happening is funny or because it is sad, or maybe you are laughing because it is so boring or you just don’t know why. You aren’t even laughing. You are watching a performance and you are not sure if you like it because it is well done or because it’s badly done… or you see someone not doing their best and it’s clearly good enough. – KJ

You decide once again to go see a performance. Your curiosity might still be there but you feel a bit drained. You wish for something good. Then depending on the context you get to the venue and start scanning the crowd. Is it a gallery performance? Are there friends? Is there booze around? Why is there a broom right by the entrance? Are you going to stand around once again holding a plastic cup of cheap prosecco while trying not to spill it? You elbow your way to a corner. You might sit on the floor. You might give the performer/s and yourself the benefit of the doubt. And so you try. – MM

Practical information
Taking part in TANTSUMASSIIV 2020 costs:
With registration by 31st of July 100.00 eur
With registration 1-15th of August 120.00 eur
This includes programme, food and accommodation. Additionally those without valid membership must pay 12.00 eur Massia membership fee (lasts one year).
The ones chosen through the open call process with have to pay 50.00 eur + 12.00 eur Massia membership fee.
To book, please send an email to tantsumassiiv@gmail.com

This year TANTSUMASSIIV is collaborating with Kedja network, thus Kedja programme will take place during the programme on 19th and 20th of August. Those taking part only in Kedja programme will have to pay 30.00 eur + 12.00 eur Massia membership fee.

Registration will open on the 20th of June 2020

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